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Wandsworth Test

What is the Wandsworth Test?

The Wandsworth Year 6 Test assesses whether a child may be eligible for a selective (ability) place at Burntwood School, Ernest Bevin College or Graveney School before making an application. Ashcroft Technology Academy and Chestnut Grove Academy also use the results for ability banding purposes. 

The independent test takes place at the start of Year 6 (September) and results are released in October. It comprises of two parts, with a brief practice session at the start and a break in between the two tests: 

Part 1: Non-Verbal Reasoning (55 minutes)
Part 2: Verbal Reasoning (50 minutes)

Wandsworth Test Workshops

PASS Tutors run Wandsworth Test booster classes at the end of August. Children will complete practise papers in Non-Verbal and Verbal Reasoning, in the same format as the Wandsworth Test. These will be marked while the children enjoy 30 minutes of sport with Open Air Fit. Children will then be split into smaller groups to go through their corrections and they will be given further work in any areas that the tests have identified as needing further practice. At the end of the week, parents will receive written feedback.

After School Clubs 

In addition to the summer workshops, we run after school clubs (within schools) covering all aspects and question types that could potentially arise in the Wandsworth Test as well as lots of timed practice to help each child achieve their maximum potential. If you would like to discuss opportunities for us to run an after school club in your (child's) school then please contact us on

Contact us about the Wandsworth Test